Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Living a Perfect Life

Leading a Life to Perfection

"Therefore be perfect just as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Mathew 5:48)

Can a human kind live a perfect life? Is it possible with man? If not possible then why did God has to say, " ...be perfect just your heavenly father is perfect"? Which perfection did God is talking about? Yes, we can be a perfect being. Remember, when God created us He created us as perfect being. Our mind, hearts, eyes, legs, body and spirit everything was perfectly made. There was nothing less or more. Everything was done in a perfect way. But what happen to that perfection. First Adam and Eve had been lost that perfection by disobeying God. Nevertheless, God Himself came down from heaven to earth and live with us in the form of human and had shown all the way to live as perfect as our heavenly Father. It was impossible for us to become perfect without Jesus. But it became possible for us now through Jesus. Because Jesus made it possible. Now we know that leading a life to perfection is possible. However, there is still difficulty to live a perfect life. Have you thought ever what made your life so difficult to live a perfect life? Why do we fail to be a perfect human being?

Let's go back to Genesis 3:6: "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that  it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise,........." Notice this. What did woman saw in the tree? How did woman saw the tree as? Good for food, pleasant to the eyes and desired to make one wise. All these things are for self satisfaction or self pleasures. God has given human being two natural gifts: Free Will and Conscience. Free Will is -- freedom to choose and Conscience is --- to know good and evil or right and wrong. God knows when He gave us free will we may choose what is evil so in order to protect our free will He gave us another sense that is Conscience so that we will never choose the evil one. But what happen even after knowing the good and evil or right and wrong still then we choose evil one. So this is where Adam and Eve failed. They made the wrong choice which was forbidden. What made Eve to choose the wrong one? It was her personal desire for self satisfaction.
There are many things around us in this world that arouse our desire and carry us away to increase our self pleasure. We need to identify what things are there around us so much pleasing to our own eyes. Pleasing to our eyes are the real instrument of Satan to make us fail to be perfect. Whatever pleases to our eyes we tried to grasp that at any cost for our satisfaction. We want to satisfy ourselves not to God. This self pleasure is the root of corruption. Self pleasure brings corruption to our mind and that corruption will lead us into destruction. Finally we are destroyed. You see how our life may end to misery; Pleasure --- to ---- Corruption ---  and Corruption  -- to --- Destruction.
Did our God wants that? Never. Therefore He has commanded us to be perfect.
Whatever difficulty may be there, still then there is a possibility to become a perfect being. In order to lead our corrupted life into perfect life; first we need to understand the root of corruption,the self pleasure and then make a right choice with God's given sense called "Conscience". Secondly, never misuse the "Freewill" that God has given us to choose. We need to learn to love ourselves. Loving ourselves does not mean to destroy ourselves but it is to save ourselves. If you want to save your life take care of your life. Make a right choice. Never go after self pleasure or selfish desire that will bring miserable days to you. Our desire should be to please God. If our desire is to please God no one can tempt us and make us fail. Learn from Jesus. Live like Jesus. Come close to Jesus. You will know the way to live as perfect as God.
May our Living God help you to live as perfect as He as you read this message.

By Fr. Anand Debbarma  

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